Blinky projects and tutorials for Cortex-M microcontrollers

Tutorial Part 3: CPM

The previous tutorial showed how to get to a working c program and introduced some nice abstractions. In this tutorial, we will show a way to put common code into separate libraries and re-using them across projects.

A common way to re-use code libraries is through a package manager. We are going to use CPM: the C Package Manager. CPM is implemented in CMake, so we will switch from Make to CMake as our build system.

CPM packages

The basic principle is this: in the CMake build system, we include a file that implements CPM. We can then list our dependencies, which are either git repositories or local folders. For example:

    GIT_TAG "3.3.0")

The example above lists the package chip_lpc43xx_m4 as a dependency. In this case we specified version 3.3.0, but this can be any git tag or simply master. Another way to list a dependency would be this:

    SOURCE_DIR "/local/filesystem/path/to/my_library")

This is very usefull during debugging or developing such a library. Otherwise you would constantly need to push your git changes.

A CPM module itself is not very complicated. As an example, take a look at the chip_lpc43xx_m4 package. It contains:

Project structure

A typical firmware project using the CPM system looks like this:

Have a look at the cpm blinky project. It is basically the same code as in part 2 of the tutorial, but now as a CPM project. This projects has a few dependencies:

All these packages are open-source, sou you can check them out on github if you want. If you want to create your own package, the easiest way is to model it after a simple existing package, for example c_utils.


This project (as most cpm firmware packages) has a separate file where you can customize some settings. Create the config file as below, then edit it with your favorite text editor:

cp config.cmake.example config.cmake


As stated in the README for the cpm project, you can build the firmware like this:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Flashing and debugging

Untill now, we had to copy-paste quite long commands to flash the firmware to our board. In the cpm-based project this is much simpler: the mcu_debug package adds some nice shortcuts for this.

To flash the firmware:

make flash

To start debugging with gdb:

make debug

For more info, check the README.

The End

This concludes the tutorial series about the lpc43xx. We started with a bare-metal project from scratch, got to a basic example and finally wrapped it all up in a cpm package.

There is more!

Want to know more about the LPC43xx platform? We have more tutorials, such as dual core: booting the M0 core!